Detailed Wood Floor Maintenance

A Detailed Guide

We understand that the proper maintenance and care of your newly finished wood floor is an important part of your investment, especially as the timber floor can be the single largest investment in your home. It is our commitment to floor excellence that has helped us create a premium maintenance system, specially formulated to preserve the look of your newly finished hardwood floor.

The following are some excellent guidelines for maintaining your timber or hardwood floor.

  1. Do not wash your newly coated timber floor or have excessive liquid left on the surface for the first 4-6 weeks. Wipe away excess water/liquid immediately as the finish requires at least 30-60 days subject to the temperature and ventilation to adequately cure prior to being subjected to normal use.
  2. General cleaning of your wood floor is recommended once every 1-2 week. Floors subjected to heavy traffic should be cleaned on a more frequent basis, such as commercial premises. It is especially important to regularly  remove the fine grit, dust and debris  with an electrostatic mop, as this will cause premature wearing of the floor finish.

Polycare Hardwood Floor Cleaning System

For easy, maintenance of your wood floor, we recommend the Polycare Spray Mop Kit.

This kit has everything you need to get you started for effective wood floor cleaning which will preserve your valuable flooring investment.

The following steps outline the procedure in maintaining your timber floor finish:

Vacuum, Dust Mop, or Sweep

Prior to using the Polycare Hardwood Floor Cleaning System always dust mop your timber floor with an electrostatic mop. It is recommended to do this daily, or as often as necessary, to remove grit ,dust and debris from the surface of your floor. Walking on a dusty or dirty floor is the fastest way to scratch and prematurely wear a newly coated floor finish.


Lightly spray your floor with the Polycare Mop Spray Kit with the Polycare concentrate added to water reservoir or the Polycare Ready-to-Use Spray. To effectively clean sections of your floor, clean one 3x3m area at a time. Polycare Ready-to-Use Spray is formulated to clean all types of timber finished floors. Polycare will not dull your finished floor or leave any oily residue.

Tips for keeping your wood floor in great condition:

  • Place walk off mats (carpet runners) at all entry doors, and at high traffic pivot points. This will capture much of the harmful dirt before it even reaches or wears away the timber floor finish, as small stones and fine grit will scratch and cause unduly permanent wear to the floor surface. Shake out, wash or vacuum mats and area rugs frequently. In addition mats placed in areas where frequent water spills occur is also a good idea.
  • Vigorously ventilate the newly coated timber floor AS SOON AS POSSIBLE to facilitate curing for the first two weeks and if possible between the coats during application is also essential.
  • Do not cover your newly coated floors with rugs for the first two –three weeks. This is to  allow the finish on the floor to cure thoroughly.
  • All hardwood timber floors will fade, darken or change colour over time and direct sunlight will accelerate this rate of change even causing the timber to dry and surface split which will damage the floor finish. Therefore protect timber floors from direct sunlight at all times.
  • Floor protector pads (such as Safeglides) of soft felt or similar material should be placed on the bottoms of the legs of the furniture. Floor protectors must be kept clean of grit and periodically replaced. Furniture with castors will need extra protection such as mats.
  • Treat the newly coated floor finish carefully for the initial 60- 90 days to avoid premature scratching, scuffing and wear.
  • Keep high heels in good repairs. An unprotected tip will dent any hardwood floor.
  • Trim pets nails regularly. Large pets may find it difficult to stop on wood floors scratching the surface coating. Their nails will not only  cause scratches  but can  leave indentations in the timber, as well.
  • Extra care with street shoes or soft rubber shoes as they can result in permanently scuffing the newly coated finish or leave black rubber marks on the surface.
  • Most finish manufacturers DO NOT suggest wet mopping a timber floor. Over wetting a timber floor can alter the moisture balance of the timbre floor causing cupping and pull the timber tannins to the surface changing the colour of the floor.
  • Never use household dust treatments
  • Always use Polycare recommended cleaning products to keep your floor looking beautiful. Do not clean the floor with house hold chemicals or soap products, wax, furniture polishes, plain water, vinegar, ammonia, methylated spirits or pine cleaners. They may  be effective cleaners but will  make it more difficult for the floor to be recoated properly at a later date.
  • NEVER use wax
  • Wipe up spills immediately with soft lightly damp cloth, never allowing water to puddle on the floor, following up with Polycare Ready to Use Spray and a dry soft cloth.
  • Never use petroleum-based floor cleaners for water based finishes
  • For stubborn stains use Synteko  Remover with a soft cloth directly on stain, wiping with the grain.
  • When the floor loses its shine/lustre, it’s time to recoat. Screening (light sanding is required) applying a compatible finish of the desired lustre shine level you prefer. High gloss floor finishes will show wear area faster, as satin tends to give a waxed look.
  • Never use a steam mop to clean the timber floor as it will not only damage the coating but cause cupping of the timber floor.
  • Be careful that pot plants have air space between the base of the pot plant and the floor to avoid moisture damage.
  • To minimise movement in timber floors always maintain the ambient temperature at the recommendation of the timber supplier.

Long-term Maintenance or Recoating

Recoating Surface finishes – Finishes eventually will show wear patterns from surface scratching and general walking over the timber floor. When high traffic areas begin to look dull it is time to recoat or restore the finish. Always follow the manufacturer’s recommendations.

Screening (light sanding/abrading) and recoating with same finish every 12-18 months (commercial areas may need to be recoated more frequently) will help maintain your wood floor for years to come. Always thoroughly wash the floor with Polycare prior to screening the floor surface for recoating to reduce the incidence of rejection.

Make sure no oil soaps, and any  other products that can  “contaminate”  the surface have been used  as a cleaning product on the floor, in addition to liquid being left on the floor surface intentionally or otherwise. This can create an adhesion problem for the new finish, causing peeling and flaking. If unknown, always inform the floor sander, as this improper maintenance can cause finish failure, making for serious concerns as to the end results, and who is responsible.

Post application steps of timber floor finish

  • Avoid walking on a newly sealed hardwood floor finish for at least the first 24 hours
  • Provide vigorous ventilation as soon as the surface of the newly applied coating is touch dry to facilitate curing and remove any solvents.
  • Use your newly coated timber floor carefully for the initial 30-90 days to avoid premature damage
  • Do not drag or slide anything across the floor as this could scratch or scuff the surface.
  • Allow two to three days before placing furniture on the newly coated floor. Do not drag or slide any furniture across the floor or into place at any time.
  • Fit Safeglide felt floor protectors on all furniture.
  • Do not lay rugs on newly coated floor for initial two – three weeks.
  • Do not use damp mop or leave any liquid on a newly coated floor for the initial four weeks

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